莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice):
And thrift is blessing if men steal it not.
... And thrift is blessing if men steal it not.
ANTONIO This was a venture sir that Jacob served for,A thing not in his power to bring to pass,But swayed and fashioned by the hand of heaven.Was this inserted to make interest good? Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams?
...... 只要不是偷窃,会打算盘总是好事。
安东尼奥 雅各虽然有些狡猾,可是这也是他按约应得的报酬。上天的旨意成全了他,却不是出于他自己的力量。你提起这一件事,是不是要证明取利息是一件好事?还是说金子银子就是你的公羊母羊?